EditorGUIExtensions MembersScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0

The EditorGUIExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodEditorGUIExtensions
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Public methodStatic memberArrayWithFoldout
Draws an array or list just like the default inspector would. One problem with this: It seems to ignore EditorGUI.indentLevel :-(
Public methodStatic memberGetEditorPrefsSettingBool
Prefixes editor pref keys with NarayanaGames. to make sure I don't overwrite other plugins' settings (or other plugins overwrite my settings).
Public methodStatic memberIndentedLabel
Draws a label which is indented according to EditorGUI.indentLevel.
Public methodStatic memberLabelDocs
Draws a nice label for documentation.
Public methodStatic memberLabelInfo
Draws a nice info label in a custom inspector.
Public methodStatic memberLabelWarning
Draws a nice red warning label in a custom inspector.
Public methodStatic memberNiceFloatSlider
Draws a nice float slider for custom inspectors.
Public methodStatic memberNiceIntSlider
Draws a nice int slider for custom inspectors.
Public methodStatic memberNiceVector2Field
Draws a nice Vector2 field.
Public methodStatic memberNiceVector3Field
Draws a nice Vector3 field.
Public methodStatic memberPersistentFoldout
Draws a fold out which stays open or closed between editor sessions. Do not use in your scripts because it uses editor prefs in a specific namespace that only I am allowed to use ;-) don't blame me if you use it and the Universe collapses - you have been warned!
Public methodStatic memberPersistentToggle
Draws a persistent toggle which is used e.g. for switching between the default inspector and my custom inspector or whether play mode changes shall be persisted. This automatically stores its state to the editor prefs so that it remembers its state between Unity sessions. Do not use in your scripts because it uses editor prefs in a specific namespace that only I am allowed to use ;-) don't blame me if you use it and the Universe collapses - you have been warned!
Public methodStatic memberSetEditorPrefsSettingBool
Prefixes editor pref keys with NarayanaGames. to make sure I don't overwrite other plugins' settings (or other plugins overwrite my settings).
Public methodStatic memberTimeScaleSlider
Draws a slider that can be used to control Time.timeScale.
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See Also