IScoreFlash PushScreen Method (, Object, )ScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0
Pushes a message to the screen, at screenPosition using a specific color. Aside of using screenPosition instead of the layout settings of the ScoreFlash instance this is called on, this does the same as PushLocal(Object, Color).

Namespace: NarayanaGames.ScoreFlashComponent
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

ScoreMessage PushScreen(
	Vector2 screenPosition,
	Object message,
	Color color


Type: Vector2
where should the message have its reference point on the screen?
Type: OnlineSystem Object
The message to be animated by ScoreFlash. This can be a string, a fully configured custom renderer, an int, long, float, double or any object with a useful ToString() method
Type: Color
Use this to control the color the message is sent with. Uses RGB from color, and multiplies color.a with the current alpha value depending on the settings in the ScoreFlash instance that this message was pushed to

Return Value

the ScoreMessage representing this text

See ScoreFlash for several usage examples and links to tutorial videos.
See Also