ScoreFlashRendererTextMesh ClassScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0
Attach this to a Text Mesh prefab and assign the prefab to an instance of ScoreFlash to have that ScoreFlash render its messages using Text Mesh.
Inheritance Hierarchy

OnlineSystem Object
          NarayanaGames.ScoreFlashComponent ScoreFlashRendererBase
            NarayanaGames.ScoreFlashComponent ScoreFlashRendererTextMesh

Namespace: NarayanaGames.ScoreFlashComponent
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

public class ScoreFlashRendererTextMesh : ScoreFlashRendererBase

While using Text Mesh is possible, it is not recommended. You might consider using OnlineText Mesh Pro instead, which is a lot more powerful. But to prevent creating any external dependencies this is included.
See Also