ScoreFlash ColorControl EnumerationScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0
Different ways of how colors are selected. Used by colorSelectionMode.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

public enum ColorControl

  Member nameValueDescription
FadePhases0 Uses one colors for each animation step: Fade In, Read Start, Read End, Fade out.
UseColorFromSkin1 Uses the color from the skin. This is especially useful if you're using PushLocal(Object, GUIStyle) or PushLocal(Object, GUIStyle, GUIStyle) because it won't overwrite the colors from your style.
Sequence2 One color after the other in the order you define them.
Random3 Colors get randomly picked from your list. When there are more than three colors defined we make sure that colors are not repeated until all have been picked once.

For a tutorial on working with colors in ScoreFlash, see Online ScoreFlash-Tutorial: Working with Colors
See Also