ScoreFlashLayout minPaddingX FieldScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0
Minimum distance between the message and the left/right screen borders before the message is wrapped in two (or more) lines. This works together with maxWidth.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

public float minPaddingX

When center aligned (TopCenter, MiddleCenter, BottomCenter), this uses both screen edges; note that this may not give you perfectly correct results if using X-offsets! When left or right align (all the others), this uses the actual x-position and innerAnchor to find out where the message is going and then assures that it doesn't get closer to the screen border the message is point to (i.e. left align results in padding against the right screen border, right align results in padding against the left screen boder). Default is 20F. This assumes scale = 1; with scale > 1, the message might clip at the screen borders. Obviously, this only has an effect with long messages. MinPaddingX is used, when the resulting width is smaller than the one defined in maxWidth. Set to a negative value if you only want to use maxWidth (padding will then be ignored). This uses normalized coordinates (i.e. if you are on a high density display, e.g. Retina, the value will be multiplied with 2).
See Also