IScoreFlash PushLocal Method (Object)ScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0
Pushes a message to the screen, using the layout settings specified on the instance of ScoreFlash you are using this on.

Namespace: NarayanaGames.ScoreFlashComponent
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

ScoreMessage PushLocal(
	Object message


Type: OnlineSystem Object
The message to be animated by ScoreFlash. This can be a string, a fully configured custom renderer, an int, long, float, double or any object with a useful ToString() method

Return Value

the ScoreMessage representing this message

For pushing each message with a different color, see: PushLocal(Object, Color)! If you only have a single instance of ScoreFlash in your scene, you should call this via ScoreFlash.Instance.PushLocal(...); if you have multiple instances of ScoreFlash in your scene, call it using Get(String): ScoreFlashManager.Get("name of ScoreFlash instance").PushLocal(...). You can use the button Copy Ref in the ScoreFlashManager inspector GUI to copy the code for the reference (ScoreFlashManager.Get("name of ScoreFlash instance")).

See ScoreFlash for several usage examples and links to tutorial videos.
See Also