IScoreFlash PushLocal Method (Object, , Int32)ScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0
Pushes a message to the screen, using the layout settings specified on the instance of ScoreFlash you are using this on but a specific color.

Namespace: NarayanaGames.ScoreFlashComponent
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

ScoreMessage PushLocal(
	Object message,
	Color color,
	int messageQueueID


Type: OnlineSystem Object
The message to be animated by ScoreFlash. This can be a string, a fully configured custom renderer, an int, long, float, double or any object with a useful ToString() method
Type: Color
Use this to control the color the message is sent with. Uses RGB from color, and multiplies color.a with the current alpha value depending on the settings in the ScoreFlash instance that this message was pushed to
Type: OnlineSystem Int32
An integer that defines which message queue is used for this message. Any two messages that have different IDs will be treated completely independently; in particular ScoreFlash will not try to make them be readable by pushing older messages "up". When the IDs are the same, ScoreFlash checks the screen distance of the reference position and if that distance is larger than 15 pixels, the messages will also not push previous messages up. If you want to use ScoreFlash for objects, it's recommended that you use ScoreFlashFollow3D which automatically uses this. If you follow your own approach, the easiest way to make this work is by simply using the game object's instance ID (OnlineObject.GetInstanceID()a>). This parameter is optional!

Return Value

the ScoreMessage representing this text

See ScoreFlash for several usage examples and links to tutorial videos.
See Also