ScoreFlash GetAlignBasedOffset Method ScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0
Calculates a pixel offset based on msg.Alignment.ScreenAlign.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

public static Vector2 GetAlignBasedOffset(
	ScoreMessage msg

Return Value


You'll want to use this when your GUI system only supports top left positioning (like UnityGUI does, for example). It gives you an offset vector that you can use in your implementation of UpdateMessage(ScoreMessage) to calculate an offset, or in your rendering code (e.g. when using UnityGUI). This only works, when your renderer returns correct and reliable values for width and height, so if your GUI system supports it, it's preferable to use its positioning system instead. See ConvertAlignment(NGAlignment ScreenAlign, NGAlignment AlignmentType) for a convenient way to convert ScoreFlashs alignment enumeration to GUIText.TextAnchors, NGUI style and EZ GUI style.
See Also