ScoreFlashFollow3D freezeOnRead FieldScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0
Freeze any message pushed directly to this ScoreFlashFollow3D at its read state.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

public bool freezeOnRead

If checked, this will make any message pushed to this ScoreFlashFollow3D via Push(Object) or Push(Object, Color) (directly on the ScoreFlashFollow3D instance) freeze at the beginning of their read phase, essentially making them persistent. You can use this for name tags, HUDs or whatever you can think of that requires being located relative to world objects. When pushing further messages, the current message will move on, so you can either change the ScoreMessage or generate a new one. See FreezeOnRead.
See Also