ScoreFlash guiStyleName FieldScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0
The name of either a default style of a custom style in skin (and skinHighDensity if you also use that) that ScoreFlash uses to get font and style information.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

public string guiStyleName

Default is ScoreFlash and the example skins that come with ScoreFlash all use this, so if you change the value, they will no longer work with your ScoreFlash instance! Changing this is very useful if you have multiple instances of ScoreFlash in one scene and want to use different fonts but don't want to create several GUISkins just to be able to handle those different fonts. It's recommended that you use the same name for the custom GUIStyle that you are also using for the game objects with the ScoreFlash instances.

For a tutorial on using GUISkins, GUIStyles and fonts with ScoreFlash, see Online ScoreFlash-Tutorial: GUISkins, GUIStyles and Fonts

See UnityGUI_GUISkin.
See Also