ScoreFlash Push Method (Object)ScoreFlash API Documentation V4.6.0
Shows msg nicely. This is the one method you need to know. Usually, you'll use ScoreFlash.Push(object msg) from anywhere in your code.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

public static ScoreMessage Push(
	Object message


Type: OnlineSystem Object
The message to be animated by ScoreFlash. This can be a string, a fully configured custom renderer, an int, long, float, double or any object with a useful ToString() method

Return Value

the ScoreMessage representing the message

Internally, this uses Instance, so it only works when ensureSingleton is true and/or there is only one instance of ScoreFlash in the current scene.
See Also