ScoreFlashRendererGUIText ClassScoreFlash API Documentation V3.2.0
Attach this to a GUIText prefab and assign the prefab to an instance of ScoreFlash to have that ScoreFlash render its messages using GUIText.
Inheritance Hierarchy

OnlineSystem Object
          (Default Namespace) ScoreFlashRendererBase
            (Default Namespace) ScoreFlashRendererGUIText

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:

public class ScoreFlashRendererGUIText : ScoreFlashRendererBase

While using GUIText is possible, it is not recommended. It adds just as many draw calls as using UnityGUI does and does not support scaling and rotating the texts. So consider this just another example of how ScoreFlashRendererBase can be implemented. One nice thing about GUIText is that it supports some special rendering techniques, though ... so maybe there is some use case for this ... it's up to you ;-) Please let me know if you need a version of this that supports high density displays (it's not hard but as I don't really see use cases for this ATM, it wouldn't be worth the time to implement it).
See Also